If you want to teach people a new way of thinking, don’t bother trying to teach them. Instead, give them a tool, the use of which will lead to new ways of thinking.
Richard Buckminster Fuller
6 key areas of focus prioritizing Marketing and Finance, together.
Values First in all things
Do you have 3 simple phrases you can quickly sense-check in every decision, and how often are you counting the times you do those 3 things as a win?
US Tax Awareness
Are you over $100k annually and still paying 30% to U.S. Taxes? Or are you paying all your expenses and 1% tax or less up to $10 million in revenue?
Natural Virility
Are you doing your most valuable work, and the work that is uniquely yours to do, in your most awesome way? You are the tool by which all work is done.
Does all 5 core aspects of your business – your most valuable work – each fit into 20% or less of your time, every day? Are you addressing client time / deliverables, sales, marketing, strategic development, and “paperwork” each, every day – and priced accordingly?
Workflow. Remote first.
Does every off-site person you add beyond yourself at least quintuple (5x) your productivity because you’re a respected and cherished leader? Does everyone take ownership of their work such that everyone can work decreasing hours for the same productivity?
Global and scale potential.
Are you a US citizen looking to do business with others offshore, or offshore and looking to do business in the US? I’ve worked with people on literally every continent except Antarctica, and I really want to check that one off too. Would you happen to know any penguins?
Your numbers tell a story. You can become the author of it, and shape a more awesome ending.
The biggest difficulty I see in every line of thought work, from service providers to artisans to leaders, is knowing what the numbers should be – both in terms of what things to track, and what numbers on those tracked things are actually “good.”
This tends to show up in things like unpredictable revenue and non-linear growth – basically all efforts are a guess, rather than as certain as possible and therefore “in the ballpark” of success.
Here’s the catch: nobody can really tell you which numbers should matter for you, and what those numbers should be.
The primary reason so many providers struggle with performance indicators and general financial management is they’re trying to use some pre-built system suited to old-world values, and they do not share these old-world values.
The only thing that really determines your key metrics is your past data in the context of YOUR values – and if you don’t understand data, if you can’t write the story they tell about your values, then you will struggle to lead the company in any direction without also destroying something that is working.
Understanding your numbers requires reviewing your numbers on a regular basis and learning how to interrogate the data for its character – by your own ability, as its leader and steward.
After all, your work is thinking; you do your most valuable work by thinking better, thinking differently, thinking in the way that is uniquely yours.
This is why I strive to educate with every insight provided. If you want further clarification on your performance evaluation, please don’t hesitate to reach out – I LOVE these questions most of all!
All programs available now.
To measure is to know.
Lord Kelvin
Values first, in all things. Required for any and all services
I can get a functional understanding of your values inside 20 minutes, but my advice might not be as potent if we’re not speaking the same language – both ways.
I deeply value really getting to understand each other so that we can communicate more effectively – with each other, with ourselves, and with our people. I recognize that in order to teach anyone, I must first be an exceptionally diligent student of the subject, those that I might influence, and the consequences of my influence.
I like to give you a workbook and spend one whole hour face to face on just this subject. I also offer it included with other “fast track” consults.

US tax aware.
When you have your tax house in shape, reporting is just a matter of working with the activity from one account – because you decided at the point of purchase whether it is for business use.
When you’re operating with the right legal filing, you can pay as little as $0 in taxes by setting aside 5 years of savings pre-tax, paying most of your daily expenses pre-tax, and taking advantage of write-offs for smart financed purchases intended to last for the full write-off.
You might not be able to take full advantage of changing your legal filing right now, but structuring your ops like it now will save time in reporting and could also potentially save you money – now.

Natural virility.
The good news is, you’re human. I can absolutely guarantee you are unique and therefore massively valuable. Now, let’s get down to the work that is uniquely yours to do.
This is the stuff that makes work not feel like work anymore. It’s the reason I didn’t realize I was still a workaholic for another 10 years after recovering. Consider yourself warned: this WILL fuel you into the wee hours of the night and you’ll NEED to work on doing anything besides work once you’ve experienced what it’s like to do ONLY what you love.
Simply stated: everything is improved when you feel good.

The bad news is, you’re human. You need things like sleep and food. The extra bad news is – your business needs you. In five places at once.
Let’s get realistic about what can actually be achieved in a day. Let’s take an account of what actually got achieved in a day. Let’s reflect on how much monitoring ourself improved our productivity and adjust our expectations accordingly.
Generally speaking, no single area of your business should occupy more than 20% of your time. Meaning, there’s other things to do in a day besides work with clients or sell to prospects, or else it all falls apart.
I’ll help you get all 5 areas of your business into a manageable balance.

Workflow. Remote first.
Great leadership is evident in every way you guide another. Whether you desire to remain solo and simply guide your clients, or build a team to guide them to do the same – the way that you respect yourself in your work, matters.
Take good care of yourself in order to take better care of your people.

Global and scale potential.
Borders are just imaginary lines, but the people across them might have totally different wants and needs than you expect.
I’ve worked with people on literally every continent except Antarctica, so I have at least a general idea of what more than a few cultures might appreciate more than your locals.
And I know how to reach them.

See how effortless it can be to earn more by doing only what you love, and deeply loving what you do, in 90 days or less.
Get the complete Awesome Performance Evaluation. 8-12 sessions and 6 workbooks included.
We cannot enter into alliances until we are acquainted with the designs of our neighbors.
Sun Tzu
Or customize your journey and do it at your own pace.
Standard advisement
- Text messages answered within 24 hours
- Constant attention to all 5 areas of your business
- Productive Rhythm planning support
- 1 – 2 sessions per month
- 1 – 2 areas of focus will be progressed each month
- Everything in standard advisement plus…
- Additional 1 – 5 sessions weekly
- Additional 1 – 5 areas of focus will be progressed each month
Values Compass
Required for any other evaluation.
- 1 workbook
- 2 sessions
Quick Start
Values Compass + any 1 area.
- 2 workbooks
- 3 sessions
Any 1 Area
Values Compass required.
- 1 workbook
- 2-3 sessions
What is a “session”?
A session might be a video or a live video call with Patricia Mayo. Each workbook is designed to be self-guiding, but also includes an optional video walkthrough that is counted as a session included in the evaluation.
Does every evaluation come with a live video consultation?
Yes, every evaluation includes at least one video call with Patricia Mayo to discuss your goals and customize your results.
How much time should I expect to set aside for this?
About 3 hours of your time every week for 6 weeks is sufficient to complete the entire evaluation. Each individual evaluation piece is intended to be done within one week, in about 3 hours of your time including a 1-hour live video call with Patricia Mayo.
What sort of results can I expect?
The Values Compass empowers you to make solid decisions inside 15 minutes by knowing what matters most. A tax status and financial evaluation can find at least 30% savings in most cases. The rest of the evaluations have resulted in small creative teams producing more than they did before, in as little as 20 hours a week or at 10% or less of the previous overhead cost.
What will I need to disclose about my business?
Some evaluations require access to your workforce to interview them, manuals or procedural guides, previous tax returns, and temporary administrative access to your business systems (like accounting, analytics, and contact and task management) and anything else you or your workforce uses to make decisions about what to do and how to do it.
You may request a full refund within 1 week of receiving your requirements for the desired evaluation, if you have not submitted the required details.
How do you handle my information?
Your information is never sold, distributed, or otherwise published without your express written consent and permission. Private or proprietary items, like login credentials and the unique specifics of your process, will never be mentioned or inferred in any way either publicly or privately, outside of your organization’s known authorized persons.
We may discuss or publish anecdotes of your case in an anonymous fashion and I will always ask before naming you in any way. Non-Disclose agreements are also available, but note this will be an additional charge.